Chagstock… well it started in Chagford so what else could we call it?

Originally this was a private event for less than a hundred people. A few friends started in 2003 by inviting a load of people down to Devon and holding a micro-festival in the garden.

This was all very home grown and cobbled together with string, gaffer tape and rusty scaffold poles but we managed to create something rather special and overall it was good to see so many people chilling in the big outside, sharing music, dance and space.

We did this three years running and got bigger and better at it. We then took a year out in 2006 in order to start planning the next step…….going public!

A site was found, and after many weeks of meetings, form filling and phone calls, Chagstock ’07 took place. The chosen site is at Whiddon Down and covers about 70 acres of farmland with glorious views over the northern edge of Dartmoor (see photos). We hoped to transfer some of the feel of the original event to the new site and judging by feedback from those of you who attend we believe this is achieved. The idea has always been to provide space for good energy and entertainment without getting too commercial, and we aim to stay true to this philosophy as the event matures and establishes its self over the coming years. We support the very worthy cause of The Devon Air Ambulance Trust.

Over the last few years we have learnt a lot and made changes and improvements as and when we are able. The first year was just one day. We then added the second day and moved the outdoor stage to the corner of the main arena where it has stayed eversince. As the number of people attending has grown, we have had to add more fields for camping and parking and have now seperate fields for tents and live in vehicles. We have also had to grow and develope along with the ever increasing red tape in the form of Health & Safety and Environmental Health issues. We have kept to one bar for the last few years but have dramatically increased the size of it to accomodated the growing crowd.

We are now a sell out 5,000 capacity Festival!!

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